A Labyrinth Ritual

We all need practices to help us find our center, that place inside that holds our deepest wisdom about who we are and why we are here. Walking the labyrinth is one of those practices.
The ancient pattern of the labyrinth is based on the spirals and circles found everywhere in nature. A labyrinth is not a maze. There are no tricks to it and no dead ends. It has a single circuitous path that winds its way into the center. Symbolically as we walk, we find our way to our own center.
This pandemic has turned us upside down and inside out. Many of us are making new choices about how we want to live our lives. Living from our center is essential to creating an authentic life, with clarity about our meaning and purpose.
Your labyrinth walk at For the Joy Of It will begin with poetry that brings us into the present moment. I will stand as your witness as you step through the entrance and enter a ritual space. Once inside you will find walking the labyrinthian path like walking through life, with all its twists and turns, but a labyrinth is not a maze. If you stay on the path you are guaranteed to end up at the center. There is something reassuring about that and that alone.
You may stay in the center as long as you like, then use the same path to return, the entrance now becomes the exit. You will be welcomed with poetry as you exit and we will have a time to reflect on your experience.

Facilitated labyrinth walks described above can be scheduled during the day or at night.
$100 for 1 person. $20/per extra person
You are welcome to walk the labyrinth on you own by appointment. Donation appreciated.